Our solvent-based inks and flushing solutions (identified with red caps) are available in 250 or 600mL bottles.
They are especially suitable for applications on non-porous substrates such as varnished boxes (lien vers Marquages/Codages Papier Carton), plastics (lien vers marquages / Codages Plastique), metal, EPS (lien vers Marquages/Codages Polystyrène), etc
They were especially developed to be easy to use by offering the best compromise between:
- Drying time and open time (the time between two prints during which the printer is not used). These two elements can vary according to many different factors such as the printing environment,
- the substrate, etc.
- Darkness of the code
- Product lifetime / shelf time
The inks are available in black, red and in various different colours to fulfill your requirements